Your Coding Career (Modern View)


Computer programming is the process of designing and building an executable computer program to accomplish a specific computing result. The purpose of programming is to find a sequence of instructions that will automate the performance of a task (which can be as complex as an operating system) on a computer, often for solving a given problem.

Programming is the process of creating a set of instructions that tell a computer how to perform a task. Programming can be done using a variety of computer programming languages, such as JavaScript, Python, and C++.

Coding or Programming?

Straight to the point: Though the terms are often used interchangeably, coding and programming are two different things. Coding refers to writing codes for applications, but programming is a much broader term. Programmers find solutions to problems and determine how they should be solved.

How do I start programming?

To assist in your learning – courtesy of the Coding Dojo instructors – here are seven tips on how to learn programming faster.

1.     -Learn by doing.

2.     -Grasp the fundamentals for long-term benefits.

3.     -Code by hand.

4.     -Ask for help.

5.     -Seek out more online resources.

6.     -Don't just read the sample code

7.     -Take breaks when debugging.

Some of the most common languages include (we’re including the aforementioned HTML and CSS, despite the debate):

·         HTML

·         Javascript

·         Python

·         CSS

·         Ruby

·         PHP

·         C++

·         SQL

Some of these languages are easier and more desirable to learn than others, although that doesn’t make them any less useful. In fact, it may be more beneficial for your career to learn one of the “dreaded” computer programming languages, as you’ll be more in demand.

According to Stack Overflow’s data, the most disliked languages are Perl, Delphi, and VBA followed by PHP, Objective-C, CoffeeScript, and Ruby.


What is front-end and back-end computer programming?

Front-end development involves working with code that produces the elements that users can see and interact with; it’s all about how a website looks and feels.

Back-end web developers make sure the website works as it should do, and the code they write is normally invisible to users. Back-end web developers work with databases that store information such as customer details, and servers which are where databases (virtually) live.

Both front-end and back-end computer programming jobs are creative in their own ways, but front-end developers often need to have a visual eye so they can judge what will work best for site users.

Basic examples of front-end development include that pretty-looking font on your favorite web page, or that slider on the homepage of a news site, or even the dropdown menu where you can choose your preferred option. Everything from the color scheme to the layout to the positioning to the typography is a front-end developer’s responsibility.

The three main languages front-end developers need to know are:

·         HTML

·         Javascript

·         CSS


If you want a job programming in Python, prepare to do a lot of work beforehand. The language is easy to pick up, but you need to do more than just learn the basics; to get a job, you need to have a strong understanding of some pretty complex processes.

How do you know when you've learned a programming language?

Things like "If" statements and "do-while" functions. Eventually, you will come to understand that a particular function calls for a certain class that does a certain thing. You will start to be able to read the code like you can read a book and understand what it is doing. That is when you know a programming language.





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